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"The Art Of Breathing" Workshop

Workshop about breathing on Sunday, April 10th, 2016 at the very beautiful location, in Amsterdam. The workshop is designed to restore your body through breathing practice, it helps you deal with stress and anxiety in daily life, it brings new quality into your being, joy, harmony and peacefulness to live a healthier happier life.

The workshop introduces the power of breath. You will be able to explore how the breath works, how to use it correctly, how to be more aware of your breath, healing properties of the breath, breath and meditation, how to integrate breath into day to day life, controlling the fluctuations of the mind.

The class is for everyone, who is still breathing.

Places are limited!


Weesperzijde 79-A, 1091 EJ Amsterdam, De Ruimte.


(Inclusive Bio Organic Lunch)

65 Euro/ Early Bird before March, 20

70 Euro/ Between March, 20-28

75 Euro/ After March, 28


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